
We welcome any comments you may have on the services we provide, whether that is a compliment, a concern or a complaint. Our aim is to provide the best possible care and treatment for you and understand that although we strive for excellence, occasionally things may go wrong or may not be how you would like.

If you wish to complain

If you wish to make a complaint then we ask that you contact us first as soon as possible after the cause of the complaint.

We welcome all feedback and complaints are often a chance to hear directly from patients and work together to improve service.

To complain you can:

1. You can call us on 0151 902 0025
2. You can email
3. You can post your complaint and mark it for the attention of:

Practice Operations Manager
Roseheath Surgery
Roseheath Drive
L26 9UH

We will usually only investigate complaints that are made within 12 months of the cause of the complaint, however, the time limit can be waived if there are good reasons you could not have complained sooner.

You are able to complain verbally or in writing; if you make a verbal complaint then the complaint shall be recorded and a copy of the written record given to you.

We will acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days and offer to meet you to discuss the complaint, at a time to suit you. We will advise you of how we will investigate your complaint and the likely time for the investigation. If you do not wish to meet then we will aim to provide you with a written response within 10 working days.

Alternatively, you can register your complaint directly with NHS England. Please click here to find out how.

If you are not satisfied with your reply from NHS England then you have the right to approach the Parliamentary and Health Ombudsman who will undertake an independent investigation. Please click here to find out how best to approach the PHSO.