Roseheath Surgery is a team of highly skilled Healthcare Professionals, including Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, Health & Wellbeing Coaches and many more.
More information on the wide range of roles available in General Practice can be found here.
You are free to see any of the doctors as we all share in the care of every patient in the practice. You can ask to see a particular doctor for routine appointments and this may aid continuity of care. However, there may be times when a particular doctor is not available. In that case it may be best to see whichever doctor is available. You cannot request a specific doctor to see you if your condition requires urgent or emergency care, since we can only respond to your request in these situations with whichever doctor is readily available. When booking routine appointments please indicate in which location you wish to be seen.
Dr Faisal Maassarani
GP PartnerMB ChB – University of Sheffield (1998)
Dr Clare Kenny
GP PartnerMB ChB – University of Sheffield (1998)
Main Location: Towerhill Surgery
Dr Hammad Khan
GP AssociateMB BS – University of Health Sciences Lahore (2007)
Main Location: Towerhill Surgery
Practice Team
Suzanne Steele
Practice Operations Manager
Physician Associates
A Physician Associate (PA) has a generalist medical education and works alongside the doctors in the practice supporting the diagnosis and management of patients. A Pas key duties include:
- taking medical histories from patients
- performing physical examinations
- diagnosing illnesses
- seeing patients with long-term chronic conditions
- performing diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
- analysing test results
- developing management plans
- provide health promotion and disease prevention advice for patients.
Nursing Team
Advanced Nurse Practitioners
An Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) is an experienced and highly educated Registered Nurse who manages the complete clinical care for their patient, not solely any specific condition. ANPs are educated at Masters Level in advanced practice and are assessed as competent in this level of practice. As a clinical leader they have the freedom and authority to act and accept the responsibility and accountability for those actions. Working as part of the multidisciplinary team ANPs can work in or across all clinical settings, dependant on their area of expertise.
In short, an Advanced Nurse Practitioner can:
- Assess, examine, and provide treatment for you
- make and manage a both acute and chronic diagnoses
- prescribe and review medication
- request and review test results
- make referrals to hospital doctors or other health care professionals
- admit patients into hospital when necessary.
Practice Nurses
Practice nurses are qualified and registered nurses. They can help with health issues such as family planning, healthy living advice, blood pressure checks and dressings. The practice nurses run clinics for long-term health conditions such as asthma or diabetes, minor ailment clinics and carry out cervical smears.
Sue Tumilty
Lead Practice Nurse
Diabetes Specialist Nurse
Davina Morrell
Diabetes Specialist Nurse
Healthcare Assistant (HCAs)
Healthcare Assistants carry out many different tasks in General Practice and make sure the patient experience is as comfortable and stress-free as possible.
Some of the duties carried out include sterilising equipment, carrying out health checks, taking blood samples and processing lab samples. As well as nurses, HCAs work with doctors, midwives and other healthcare professionals. They have a lot of contact with patients.
John Rushton-Grundy
Health Care Assistant
Clinical Pharmacists
Clinical Pharmacists work in primary care as part of a multidisciplinary team in a patient facing role to clinically assess and treat patients using expert knowledge of medicines for specific disease areas.
They work with and alongside the general practice team, taking responsibility for patients with chronic diseases and undertaking clinical medication reviews to proactively manage people with complex medication use, especially for the elderly, people in care homes and those with multiple conditions.
Healthcare Team & Attached Staff
The practice has a number of healthcare professionals that are employed by other organisations but provide services for our patients from our two locations.
Mental Health Nurses
The Mental Health Nurses are experts who offer appointments to patients with severe mental health problems such as bipolar, psychosis or eating disorders, a consultation, treatment, peer support, or a referral to hospital teams without needing a GP appointment.
Any patient who has a musculoskeletal condition can see the physiotherapist for expert assessment and management.
Midwife Team
Midwives provide care throughout pregnancy and up to 28 days after the birth of your baby. They hold antenatal clinics and visit your home when required. They hold parent craft classes, breast-feeding groups and postnatal groups with the Health Visitors.
Health Visiting Team
Health visitors specialise in the health and well being of the children and their families from pre-birth to 5 years old (pre school). For further information click here.